Photographer profile


Photographer  Theo Bosboom
Country  Nederland
Equipment  Canon apparatuur (digitaal), Canon gear (digital)
Biography  Theo Bosboom (the Netherlands, 1969) started his career as a nature photographer in 2003, after a two months journey through Namibia and Tanzania. He sees nature photography as the perfect combination between enjoying nature and being outdoors on the one hand and creative expression on the other hand. His mission is to show people how beautiful and important nature is, not only the wild landscapes and big animals, but also the small details that are often overlooked. Theo has won nummerous awards at major international photocontests, like BBC Wildlife photographer of the year, European Wildlife photographer of the year, Glanzlichter and Asferico. His favourite areas are De Veluwe and Meinerswijk in the Netherlands, the Belgian Ardennes, Iceland and Lapland.
Specialism  Allround nature photographer, with a preference for landscapes, macro and abstract. Composition, creativity and mood are important elements in Theo's photography.
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